Time for a check-in. Is the current pacing of your daily life sustainable? Anything or anyone that requires your physical, mental, or emotional energy needs balancing with time spent receiving, replenishing, and just being. If you build sustainability into the structure of your schedule (even if it means simply scheduling a 15-minute block of non-doing into each day), you will likely feel less depleted, resentful, and stressed and have more energy for all the other moments. In mindful presence, Lori Create an island of being in the sea of constant doing. —Jon Kabat-Zinn
The Latin origin of the word compassion means to “suffer with.” While it can be useful to cultivate empathy, which is the ability to understand others’ feelings, it could be overwhelming and depleting to “suffer with” everyone we meet. Perhaps a healthier way to practice compassion is to first have empathy, understanding others’ perceptions (which may differ from yours), and then to allow them space to have their experience without trying to change it or fix it or take it on as your own. Compassion, then, may be redefined as meeting someone where they are while maintaining your own centered presence…in essence, practicing both compassion and self-compassion. In mindful presence, Lori Have compassion for everyone you meet,
even if they don’t want it. What seems conceit, bad manners, or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone. —Miller Williams It seems we bump up against so many moments with our bristles already raised in defiance, wanting something other than the reality of now. Or we rush through moments, barely noticing them while wishing to be somewhere else, doing something else. There is a strong sense of empowerment available when we practice meeting the moment, just as it is. The first step toward presence is to accept this moment as it is unfolding. Then, when we are not wasting energy on futile resistance, we have more resources available for making a clear choice about how to attend to whatever is arising. In mindful presence, Lori Do you treat this moment as if it were an obstacle to be overcome?
Do you feel you have a future moment to get to that is more important? The present moment is as it is. Always. Can you let it be? —Eckhart Tolle Poised at the threshold of a new year, the space before you is open and infinite. What feeds your spirit? What brings you to life? What intention would you like to carry into this new beginning? In mindful presence, Lori When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. —Laozi
AuthorLori Furbush teaches Qigong, Yin Yoga, & Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). She weaves MINDFULNESS & RELAXATION into every moment. Archives
February 2025
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